Our Rich History

Xavier College Entrance


Sir Hugh Ragg, a successful hotelier and businessman, and his family lived on their 11      hectare property at Namosau, Ba. (Present location of Xavier College).


Sir Hugh Ragg, well established businessman and hotelier (he had set up the first four hotels in Fiji), donated his family land(above), all 11 hectares of Crown Land, to the Catholic Church with the intention that a school be set up on the land to educate the children of the expatriate workers of the Colonial Sugar Refinery.\nThe head of the Catholic Church in Fiji at the time, Bishop Foley, who later became Archbishop of the Diocese of Suva, had neither the funds nor the staff to build and run a secondary school, opened a seminary run by the Marist Brothers, the following year.

Fr. Thomas Foley, S.M., (S.M. = Marist Father) appointed to Namosau.


Fr. John Clarkin, S.M., joined Fr. Thomas Foley, SM.

Secondary education began at Namosau, however, it was called a seminary due to difficulties getting Government to recognize the school.

First classes were held in the garage. The students were mostly Fijian students who had been enrolled at Cawaci, Ovalau. The late Archbishop Petero Mataca was one of those students.


Secondary education continued as a small boarding school.


The newly arrived Columban Fathers from Ireland are given authority by Bishop Foley to take charge of the Namosau property. The plan was to use the facilities as a language school for the Columban Fathers.

The seminary was moved to Cawaci and became known as St. John’s College.

Four bungalow type structures were built as the quarters for the Columban Fathers. The total value of the buildings was 16500 pounds.

On the Feast of St. Francis Xavier, December 3rd, 1952, Fr Michael Cryan and Fr.Tom Foley conducted the first entrance examination to Xavier College, a screening test, of over 70 applicants as there were no secondary schools in Ba at that time. 24 boys were accepted after the examination.


At 8.00 o’clock on the morning of February 12th, 1953 the first class of secondary school education began with a lesson on Latin for 45 minutes, followed by a grass cutting break of 1 hour to be followed by a class of Algebra and again followed by more grass cutting. The school fees for the first year were £15 of which £10 was for the maintenance and upkeep of the priests and £5 was for the school. Later 15 shillings was added for the purchase of science equipment and maintenance of the school.

The students begin to prepare for the Senior Cambridge Examination.

The school assumes the name, Xavier College.


The Ministry of Education grants recognition to Xavier College to prepare students for examinations.

Two new classrooms were built in what had once been the Ragg Family Ball Room. One of these classrooms became the Science Lab.


1st batch of 14 students appeared for the Senior Cambridge Certificate B Examination. 13/14 students received certificates with 1 attaining 1st Division, 8 attaining 2nd Division and 3 attaining 3rd Division.


2nd Batch of 8 students appeared for the Senior Cambridge Certificate B Examination. 7 students passed with 3 students in the 1st Division, 2 students in the 2nd Division and 2 students in the 3rd Division.

XC Old Boys Association is formed and Mohammed Hussein as its 1st President.

Xavier College is registered under the Ministry of Education. School Registration – 3005.


1st batch of students appeared for the Senior Cambridge Certificate A Examination.

Principal Fr. Thomas Henegan, M.A. StaffFrs Michael Cryan, M.A., Nobert Feld, M.Sc, Ph.D and McColgan, M.A.


Xavier College was accepted under the Grant in Aid scheme of the Ministry of Education.

Principal Fr. Thomas Henegan, M.A. StaffFrs Michael Cryan, M.A., Nobert Feld, M.Sc, Ph.D and McColgan, M.A.


Xavier College has by now grown considerably to 100 students with four classrooms. 4 staff Fr. Heneghan, , Fr. McColgan, F. Gargivan and Fr. Mahoney.

Science Block is built with Government grant. Extension to existing school buildings and new toilet block built and completed on 5th October 1960.


Chapel is built at a cost of 6000 pounds of which 2800 pounds was from overseas donors and the remainder from the Society of the Columban Fathers.


Fr. McColgan becomes Principal.

Dining Hall and Toilets built at a cost of 31 300 pounds.


Existing building is extended to house one classroom and the Physics Lab(Science Block)

Staff at this time were Frs Richard Kealan, Pat O’Sullivan, Colum McGovern, John Mahoney, Arthur Tierney and Eddie McColgan.

1st Lay Indian teacher, Ram Sami, hired to join the staff of Columban Fathers.


Form Six is introduced and a new block is built to accommodate this. The new block is named Ragg Building and was opened by Lady Ragg, wife of the late Sir Hugh Ragg.


On 3rd February the first batch of girls started at Xavier College.

College Magazine is produced.

Dormitory(above Canteen) is built and completed at 15 200 pounds.

Library, 2 classrooms, staffrooms and office built at a cost of 34 000 pounds.\n(10 000 pounds through Grant and 24 000 interest free loan from the Columban Fathers)

Principal : Fr. McGovern, School Secretary Mrs Tyas.

XC Old Boys Association President: Mr Peter Fong, Secretary: Mr Arun Singh.

Marist Sisters join the staff.


Two more classrooms and Girls’ toilets built at a cost of $12 000. Building Grant received from the Ministry of Education was $3 800.

First lay female teachers join the staff.


New Toilet block built from Building Grant of $1000


Fr. Tom Daly becomes Principal. The school saw more development under his leadership. He also showed a lot of interest in sporting activities.


Xavier College gets Government water supply.

The Form 1 Block is built through fundraising.


Form 1 started.

Form 3 to 5 had 3 streams and Form 6 , two streams

School strength: 264 Boys, 175 Girls. Total Roll: 439 students.


Silver Jubilee Year.

New Technical Block constructed at a cost of $9066.

Tennis and basketball Courts built with assistance from Xavier College Past Students Association.

Archbishop Petero Mataca blesses Tennis and Basketball Courts and new Technical Block during the Jubilee celebrations.

School Roll: 650 students

Fr. Daly leaves for the United States for 8 months.


6 new classrooms were built at a cost of $4 000 through a loan. Contractor was Shiu Construction.


Form 7 started.


Fr. Daniel A’Hern becomes Principal. Boarding ends in Xavier College. New subjects are introduced.


In December, the Columban Fathers hand over Xavier College to the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel and a new chapter begins for the College.


Brother Anselm becomes Principal. Brother Francis Abraham and Brother Paul Kado join the staff.


Xavier College achieves 100% pass in the Fiji Junior Certificate Examination.


Cadet Training begins.


Bro. P.J. George takes charge as Principal.

Xavier College achieves 100% pass in the Fiji Seventh Form Examination, creating history in Fiji. (1st school in Fiji to do so).

3 classrooms converted into Montfort Hall.

Attendance register is created for the staff.(monthly wise)

Dormitory converted to 1st Computer Lab and Video Room and blessed by Bro. Jean Friant, Super General of the Montfort Brothers

Intercom was set up.

New typing Room was made

Removed 2 old buildings near the entrance gate and 2 near Guest House were removed.

Library was upgrade and new shelves were added

Upgraded pews in the Chapel

New bell was installed at the stairs to the Library.

TD Room upgraded

Speak in English for Success Program was introduced

Keep Xavier Clean Competition was introduced. New rubbish bins made.

School uniform was standardized and school rules updated.


Xavier College achieves 100% pass in the FJC for the 10th year in a row.

Xavier College achieves 100% pass in FSFE for the 2nd year in a row.

Boys washroom upgraded

Closed off Boys Washroom behind Form 4R

Demolished TD/Social Science Classrooms (behind Wisdom Tree) due to leaking roof structure.

Millenium Block construction begins in October

Staircase at Form 1 was built

Fans installed in Forms 1 and 2 classrooms

Introduced rifles for boys at Cadet training

Students appointed as Cadet Officers at the Cadet Passing Out for the first time instead of teachers.

Computer Studies introduced as one of the main subjects in Form 5 to 7

School Timetable changed and morning studies shifted to afternoon studies.

Old Canteen beside Chapel was removed to make way for road access to carpark.

Statue of St. Montfort erected above Administration Office

Games room was made

“This Week” was introduced

“Theme for the Year” was introduced for the first time.

Standardised Year Planner was introduced.

Introduced culture of students standing up when teachers enter the room.

Head Boy and Head Girl selected from Form 7 rather than Form 6 to integrate Form 7 students with the rest of the students.

Xavier College jacket and track pants introduced.

Girls to wear the hair in two plaits tied with white ribbon was made compulsory, boys to wear belt with shorts and footwear was standardized as all part of the school uniform.

Internal Assessment of students’ work at the end of each Term was introduced.

Present format for weekly assembly was introduced

3 drums for cadet training and Pass Out were purchased.

Duke of Edingburgh Award Scheme was introduced.


Form 7 admission policy changed to accommodate more students , 43 students each in Forms 7A and 7S to prevent Xavier students from leaving Xavier after Form 6 due to lack of space.

Senior girls’ washrooms upgraded. Junior Girls washroom beside the noticeboards were closed.

Form 3 classroom floors tiled.

Table tennis tables set up at the basement area of the Millenium Block

School Canteen extended to include kitchen and storage area.

Home Economics Room upgraded.

Concrete tables and benches erected at Cafeteria area.

Sewing Room was made by converting the Office/Staff Resource Room)

President of Fiji, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, was hosted to lunch.

School sign board installed between the school gates. “Out” gate named Montfort Brothers’ Gate.

New sound system bought

Army Commander, Frank Bainimarama, was Chief Guest at Cadet Pass Out Parade.

10 minute Form Time introduced to enable teachers to take attendance of the students.(Up until 1999 teachers took attendance during the classes.)

Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award trophy was introduced.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy was formulated.

Principal, Bro. P.J.George went on education tour to 10 leading secondary schools in Auckland, New Zealand organized by the Catholic Education Office for Catholic School Principals and Head Teachers from Fiji.

Mission and Vision Statement for Xavier College was formulated.

Morning study of 25minutes was moved to afternoon study of 30mins allowing 55minutes (3.20pm to 4.15pm) of afternoon study to improve academic productivity and quality of sports training.


Footpath from Entrance Gate to Canteen was made to extend footpath made by Ba Town Council on Xavier Street from the road to school.

Road around Chapel was made and declared “One Way”

Junior Girls’ washroom upgraded

All desks and chairs of students were upgraded and varnished at a cost of $15 000 to provide a hygienic learning environment.

Form 4 classroom floors tiles

Xavier College wall calendar was produced.

Drain around the Cafeteria area was made.

Mass for whole Form during Period 6 was introduced as part of Religion Class.

Badges for Form Prefects were introduced.

5 fire hose reels installed at strategic locations.


Form 5 classroom floors tiles fixed.

Form 5P and 5R classrooms upgraded.

Siren installed in place of the handbell.

School buildings painted with new colour(Present colour)

Omega Clock installed at the Millenium Block.

ADT Security alarm installed

400m track and embankment made.

1st Annual Cultural Night Show with a quality control system for the show was formulated.

School prayer recital at afternoon assembly introduced.

Xavier College students represent the school and country in Table Tennis at both local and international competitions.

Caretaker’s House was converted to Guest House for teams to camp at.

Corporal punishment abolished.

Site for multipurpose hall, beside the tennis courts, was cleared as planned by Management.


Basketball and tennis courts fence upgraded.

Raintrees very close to the Courts cleared.

Carpark tarsealed

Science labs upgraded.

Rifles for girls at Cadet Training was introduced for the first time in Fiji.

100% pass in FSLC- 1st school in Fiji to do so.

Old school van was replaced with current van.

Best Female and Male Dancers Awards, exclusively for Form 7 students, were introduced.

Drawings for the multipurpose hall was done.


Golden Jubilee Year- Prime Minister of Fiji, Hon. Laisenia Qarase was the Chief Guest.

Groundbreaking for the multipurpose hall was done by the Chief Guest

School Prayer board installed at the carpark.

Benches under the trees at the playgrounds were installed.

Internet provided in Computer Lab.

Website created

Introduced Lesson Plan Note Books used by teachers.

Policies and procedures for teachers who arrived late was formulated and executed.

Principal, Bro. P. J. George became President of the Fiji Principals’ Association.

Sending students under the Wisdom Tree, as punishment, was banned.

Installed professional looking bins installed at strategic locations along the school verandahs.

Club Lottery organized by the school, Principal, Mr Rajesh Patel, Mr Bipin Patel and Mrs Margaret Elisha was a success, raking in $100 000 for the multipurpose hall.


Fijian and Hindi made compulsory for Forms 1 and 2 iTaukei and Indo Fijian students to learn.

Staffroom upgraded with 36 workstations at a cost of 20000.

Form 6 classroom floors tiled.

Secretary’s Office upgraded

Copy printer purchased for Office.

Photocopier purchased for Library

Spiral binding machine and laminating machine purchased for Office.

New noticeboard with glass doors installed along the verandah.

History created for 100% pass in FJC, FSLC and FSFE. 1st school in Fiji.


Principal and VP offices upgraded.

AP and Counselling Rooms made.

IQ Park developed and later removed to make way for the multipurpose hall.

Photos of former Principals displayed in Principal’s Parlour.

Sick Bay provided for girls.

LCD Projector and laptop for school purchased for school use.

New dining room and kitchen for Brothers built.

Vice President of Fiji, Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi was hosted for lunch.

Centralised incinerator constructed behind Science Block.


Prayer before and after classes introduced.

Prefect’s Diary introduced.

Official version of the school prayer on CD introduced.

PTFA organized Cultural Nights raised total of $185 000 towards the construction of the multipurpose hall.

Initial drawing plan and location for multipurpose hall reviewed. New plan and location decided by the Committee.

4R Electrical & General Contractors Ltd awarded the contract to build the multipurpose hall. Site handed over to Mr Rishi Kumar on 25th September 2006.

IQ Active Team win National IQ Quiz for the 4th consecutive year.

100% pass in FJC, FSLC and FSFE for the 3rd consecutive year, setting a high benchmark for preceding years in Xavier College and the whole country.

Xavier Herald, the new official magazine, launched.


2 new classrooms constructed at the ground floor of MIllenium Block-Home Economics Room and 5Q.

Old Art Room removed to make new car park for auditorium.

New Resource Room made for teachers and office.

$2.1m Xavier College Auditorium inaugurated on 13th July by His Grace, Archbishop Petero Mataca.

Telephone system upgraded.

Intercom speakers installed in all the classrooms, staffroom, canteen area, conference room and auditorium.

10 mango trees planted along Technical Block.

100% pass in FJC, FSLC and FSFE for 4th consecutive year.


Bro. George Fitness Centre opened.$50 000 gym equipment sponsored by Colonial Bank.

Jazz Band equipment bought $3 000

Concrete driveway to Brothers’ quarters made.

Seats outside of main office upgraded.

Fence erected behind at the rear of the school buildings to improve overall school discipline.

Computer Lab upgraded with 15 new computers

Tile polisher bought.

4 ornamental Flame Trees(Christmas tree) bought and planted at the lawns beside Chapel.

18 stands for bins erected around the school compound.

100% pass in FJC, FSLC and FSFE for the 5th year in a row.

Portable Badminton Courts and Table tennis tables launched in the auditorium.


Bore hole drilled for emergency and agricultural purposes.

Generator bought.

EU assistance of $40 000 towards flood rehabilitation.

Cafeteria area upgraded with new floor tiles and new slab tables and seats installed.

Flood damaged Gym repaired.

Rugby introduced in Xavier College for the 1st time.

School Farm for School Kids project launched.

Overhead tank behind tennis court provided for Farm Project.

Bought washing machine for school.

4 Flame Trees planted at the lawns around the Wisdom Tree.

Text books worth $10 000 purchased.

Grotto for Mother Mary made.

Basketball/tennis court upgraded

Bee Keeping Project with 12 beehives introduced.

Assembly Themed presentations made competitive between Forms.

Constitution of the College developed.

Constitution of the XCPTFA was amended.

Carpark with 41 parking spaces made.

LCD Projector and motorized white screen installed in the Xavier Auditorium – 4th and final stage of the Auditorium Project. Total cost of the project $2.2m.

Road curbs along the driveway around Chapel with 70m long footpath from exit gate to office.

Driveway in front of Admin Office tarsealed.

Cyclone Certificate for the auditorium was obtained after resizing the aluminium louvre frames.

Benches installed under the young mango trees along the grounds/TD Block.

Fine Arts Talent Show introduced.

Teachers’ Day and Children’s Day introduced.

Official Home Study was introduced for Forms 4 and 7 prior to external exams.

Past years FJC, FSLC and FSFE papers collected and filed for use by current and future students.

Bro. P.J. George leaves Xavier College to pursue his Doctorate in Psychology.


Bro. Francis Abraham takes over as Principal.

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